Noble Quran » English - Sahih International » Sorah Al-Humazah ( The Slanderer )

English - Sahih International

Sorah Al-Humazah ( The Slanderer ) - Verses Number 9
وَيْلٌ لِّكُلِّ هُمَزَةٍ لُّمَزَةٍ ( 1 ) Al-Humazah ( The Slanderer ) - Ayaa 1
Woe to every scorner and mocker
الَّذِي جَمَعَ مَالًا وَعَدَّدَهُ ( 2 ) Al-Humazah ( The Slanderer ) - Ayaa 2
Who collects wealth and [continuously] counts it.
يَحْسَبُ أَنَّ مَالَهُ أَخْلَدَهُ ( 3 ) Al-Humazah ( The Slanderer ) - Ayaa 3
He thinks that his wealth will make him immortal.
كَلَّا ۖ لَيُنبَذَنَّ فِي الْحُطَمَةِ ( 4 ) Al-Humazah ( The Slanderer ) - Ayaa 4
No! He will surely be thrown into the Crusher.
وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا الْحُطَمَةُ ( 5 ) Al-Humazah ( The Slanderer ) - Ayaa 5
And what can make you know what is the Crusher?
نَارُ اللَّهِ الْمُوقَدَةُ ( 6 ) Al-Humazah ( The Slanderer ) - Ayaa 6
It is the fire of Allah, [eternally] fueled,
الَّتِي تَطَّلِعُ عَلَى الْأَفْئِدَةِ ( 7 ) Al-Humazah ( The Slanderer ) - Ayaa 7
Which mounts directed at the hearts.
إِنَّهَا عَلَيْهِم مُّؤْصَدَةٌ ( 8 ) Al-Humazah ( The Slanderer ) - Ayaa 8
Indeed, Hellfire will be closed down upon them
فِي عَمَدٍ مُّمَدَّدَةٍ ( 9 ) Al-Humazah ( The Slanderer ) - Ayaa 9
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